GONAL INTERNATIONAL is a professional enterprise. It is committed to nourishing and enriching the Agriculture and the lives of our nation. ‘Gonal International’ was emerged in 2014.  It has 3 major tasks as follows:

1-Formulation of Pesticides.
2-Manufacturing of Foliar Micro-nutrients.
3-Import of Pesticides (Technical & Formulated) Fertilizers, Emulsifiers, Solvents & other products.

“ Gonal International is approved & registered with the Government of Pakistan, Plant Protection Department Karachi.

Besides Liquid pesticide formulation plant, it also has a Granular Pesticide formulation plant for the formulation of Granular products.

The liquid formulation plant is one of modern plants having the production capacity of around 100,000 liters per day. The granular plant can produce 25 Metric Tonne granules per day. It has a well-equipped Laboratory containing mostly Japanese & newest technology based Instruments.

We deal in all the Pesticide Products. Some of our famous Products are mentioned below.

1- Acetamiprid 20% SL                                    2- Bifenthrin 10% EC

3- Bromoxynil+Mcpa 40% EC                         4- Buprofezin 25% WP (Imported)

5- Carbofuran 3% G                                         6- Cartap 4% G

7- Chlorpyrifos 40% EC                                    8- Deltamethrin+Triazophos 36% EC

9- Emamectin 1.9% EC                                    10- Fipronil 5% SC

11- GENGWEI 55% SC (Imported)                  12- Glyphosate 48% SL (IPA) (Imported)

13- Lambda 2.5% EC                                       14- Lufenuron 5%EC

15- Paraquat 20% SL (Imported)                   16- Pendimethalin 33% EC

17- Pyriproxifen 10.8% EC                              18- Thiophenate Methyl 70% WP (Imported)

19- Triazophos 40% EC                                    20- Metalaxyl+Mancozeb 72% WP (Imported)

Manufacturing of  foliars including Zinc10% (liquid), Potash 30%, Boron 5%, Multi micro Nutrients (liquid), NPK 8:8:6, Nitrogen20%, Phosphorus20%, Potassium Humate 40%, Potassium Humate 10%(liquid)& Organic Matter (compost) 25%is being carried out providing excellent quality on competitive prices to the clients/farmers. Especially in cotton season day & night services are being provided at the factory. Gonal International is importing different technical& formulated pesticide products, Solvents & Emulsifiers mostly from china. Besides this many Fertilizers & Micronutrients are also imported from different countries which include Ammonium Sulphate, Zinc Sulphate 33%  and SOP 50% and Sulphur Bentonite 90 %.